About Us

DogTime Institute was established in 2016 by Mr. Paul Elmakias, creator of the DogTime™ therapy method, and Dr. Larry Genstil, a world renowned psychotherapist.

Mr. Elmakias established the Dogs for People (DFP)Association in 2006. It is an NPO where at-risk or disabled children and youths are treated while working with dogs. In DFP, Elmakias brought together the knowhow and techniques he’d acquired over more than two dozen years of working with dogs, treating needy populations, rehabilitating, enriching, and empowering them.

Combining his experience with numerous scientific studies, Elmakias developed the DogTime dog-assisted treatment method that yields clear and measurable results, leading to emotional changes in patients and dogs alike. These results are achieved through unique relationships that the young form with dogs they work with. Most of those dogs are rescued from shelters and, given a true purpose and mission that canines need, they take an active part in helping the needy and disabled.

We reach our patients through collaborations with leading national organizations and local authorities all over Israel. These patients are diagnosed by leading caregivers and healers, after which they are matched with suitable dogs and train them for agility and other nationwide and international competitions.

Over the decade since DFP was established we treated more than 20,000 youths and children with DogTime.

Association Goals

Recognition – We work with the Knesset (Israeli parliament) to recognize that the incorporation of animals in therapeutic processes is a paramedical treatment method, and to acknowledge that through relevant legislation.

Treatment Farms – We are working to establish several treatment farms around Israel that will serve as residential and non-residential healing and recovery centers.

Employment – We will assist special needs populations and youth at-risk find employment on those treatment farms, after having gained working experience in their own rehabilitation process.

Rehabilitation – We offer rehabilitation programs for youth at-risk, children and youths expelled from various educational frameworks, and people who serve community service sentences on the farms and other treatment frameworks we work in.

Research – We are involved in and promote academic studies on the medical applications of working with dogs, such as the early detection of cancer, helping PTSD patients recover, and more.

Promoting Para-Agility – Having been involved in this field for many years and attaining excellent results, we wish to further promote para-agility (sports involving dogs and humans in therapeutic activities) as a unique healing method for people with special needs in Israel.

Funds – For the above and other operations, we require government funds and generous donations to help us offer treatment free of charge to populations that need it.

Academic Studies – We are working to create an academic curriculum, where students would study healing methods of working with dogs, as extensions of and recognized by Israeli and American universities.


Asia Pavis, VP


Experienced in treating individual and groups of youths and children with dogs; social-work graduate from the Bar-Ilan University

Paul Elmakias, CEO


Association founder, leading and senior Israeli dog trainer, creator of the Dog-Time Treatment Method